Friday, June 24, 2011

I did it again... more re-painted furniture

Another piece of furniture that FINALLY has been finished.
My mom bought me a bookcase 4 years ago that I've used for very various things from an entertainment center to it's current usage... holding some of Killian's toys. However, it was just a stained piece... nothing special. I wanted it to match his blue truck shelf... so I finally got to work repainting it two shades of blue and white on the inside (Have I said that I hate using white spray paint? you go through 2x the amount of white!!)

THEN, I was going to paint cars/roads on the sides. However, I had found these road and car wall stickers at target on clearance for 4.50 a few months ago. I was going to put them in his playroom, and then I thought. Why not put them on the shelf?? Well.. it turned out cute if I do say so myself :)

Here's what it looks like IN the playroom:
See the truck shelf in the background? Found that at St. Vinnie's thrift store for 8.00 :) I love thrift stores :)

I had a few left-over stickers that I put on the wall:
His playroom's looking good :)

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