Saturday, June 25, 2011

It was a BUSY week here

We've had a very busy week here! We started with Saturday... his party. Then Sunday was father's day. My dad hung up Killian's swing and he had lots of fun:

We also put together his hop scotch set he got for his bday: 
Monday he had his first swim lesson:

He really enjoyed it and loves his teacher. He was slightly distracted by the slide and sandbox.. but otherwise did ok. :)He also had his 3 year pictures taken (Look for the next post.. I'll post my favorites :))
Tuesday was his bday!!! He got to open my gifts:

He also got to pick where we went in the morning.. He chose Building for Kids. And he got to climb up to the treehouse (which always scared me before)
Wednesday we went to a Day out with Thomas... He was much more into it this year. Which is good since I had to pay for him and it was expensive:

Thursday we went to story time, he napped at gammies, and we relaxed at home. We played board games, which he's getting very good at :)
Friday was another Wiggles and Giggles day. We played with drums and bean bags.. Killian likes playing with the kids, but he's naughty because he knows I'm teaching and can't correct him right away. Sigh... he's definitely 3! We also went strawberry picking AGAIN and biked to the park in the afternoon.
I keep PRAYING for nice weather so we can go to the pool but it's been rainy and chilly all week! :(

Some extra pictures from this week:
Our Swiss Chard is doing GREAT at the garden (also check for a later post this week... I'm posting about our garden with pictures) and Killian helped pick some. Then he promptly ate it:
Think he's getting a little big for his car seat?

Also, for his bday he got stickable mustaches... he tried one one before swim lessons:
It's been a crazy week!!! We picked 20 lbs of strawberries all in all.. I might need a few more lbs for another batch of Jam. We'll see :)

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