Friday, December 31, 2010

Our Week + Funny sayings

I need to keep up with our weekly events, because I looked back at my summer posts, and I'd already forgotten the things that I'd done with Killian. And that's the whole point of this blog... to keep our life documented so he and I can look back at it one day and remember. So first I'll highlight our week and then I'm going to try to list the funny things he's been saying lately. 2.5 is such a great age for vocab. :)

Monday- Killian was with his dad... I spent the day working and working out.
Tuesday- Killian had a rough day coming back after a 3 day weekend with his dad. No nap, and he wasn't sitting on the potty at his dads, so I had to re-teach him about potty training. We mostly stayed home because of potty training, but we did make it over to Mom and Pop place for lunch and time with Gammie and our old neighbor and her daughter. We also had Killian's first Chiropractor appointment. He has horrible ear infections that happen quickly... so I'm having the bones next to his ears popped back into place so his ear tubes can drain.
Wednesday- We did a little shopping and Killian took a GREAT nap. We finger painted:
 And played dress-up.... he LOVES dressing like a pirate, doctor, and woody- Here he was rushing off to  "fixa dinky"
 We made penguin puppets... Can you tell which is Killian's? Have I mentioned that he loves yellow??
 And the puppets led to cutting... his favorite activity. He knows how to close the scissors using his fingers and thumb, but he's not strong enough to open them. So every time he cuts, then he has to use two hands to open the scissors, then cuts, etc. etc.
We went to my dad's to visit my sister Jackie, who was only in town for a few days and didn't get to see Killian on Christmas day. Killian was a little confused because he doesn't see my sisters (except Mary) often enough to realize they are his aunts. We also had my other sister, Katy, over for dinner.

Thursday- We had another Chiropractor appointment for Killian. He does really well :) I really need to get a picture of him laying on the bench nicely. We did some shopping downtown Neenah. In the afternoon, Killian was CRAZY... he hates being cooped up all winter. I was too tired to take him to Monkey Joes, so we blew up our "Jumpy Jumpy" and I made him an obstacle course. He had to jump from the bed into the jumpy, then crawl through the tunnel and go all over again. He loved it.

Of course, then it quickly became a  game of throw balls everywhere.
Friday- Another crazy day here... so we decided to go for a nice winter walk:
 It's 40 degrees... and raining. So killian brought his umbrella.
We walked all the way to a park.. and Killian was determined to try the slide. He got VERY wet and didn't go it again. I made my dogs a tandem leash, thinking it'd be easier to walk them because they can't get themselves all tangled up. However, I didn't think about the fact that I was putting two 30 lb. dogs onto one leash... making it 60 lbs of pulling power on my weak arm. Needless to say, I was the tired one when we came home.
Killian's doing REALLY good on the potty training the last few days. He had HORRIBLE diarrhea on Wednesday, and was pooping on the potty almost every time I put him on. Today, he's done 2 BIG poops and 1 big pee all before nap! I bought a bunch of little things from Walmart yesterday (jigsaw puzzles... which he's REALLY into... and toy story toys) and put them into a bag. I told Killian it's his potty bag. Then I made him a chart. The first time he had 2 empty squares that had to be filled with stickers (one sticker for a pee or poop) and then he got a present. He got that one done this morning already! He was very happy to pick something out of the potty bag... he chose a toy story jigsaw puzzle. Then I made him another chart with 3 squares for stickers. He's already filled 2 squares!!

 I'm PRAYING that his dad puts him on the potty this weekend... because I don't want to lose the progress I've made with Killian this week on potty training.

After Killians nap, we might head over to Monkey Joes, or just stay home. Tonight we're having dinner and a movie at my moms.
It's been an eventful, fun week with my love bug. :)

OK, so now on to funny sayings:

1. Killian was in the car and he saw the moon (even though it was still day time). So he says: Hello moon! Night night sun. Stop poking Didi (Killian) in the eyes!

2. I woke up to Killian in my bed, next to my head saying to stubby: Dinky, wooka da pictures dinky! it pooh bear! it piglet! --- he was reading stubby a pooh bear book. Stubby was not happy

3. Killian's been saying "Happy bird day" for every holiday now.. I'm pretty sure he got it from Frost the Snowman

4. Killian found his Medical cart and doctor's coat. He quickly ran out of his room, pushing the medical cart yelling: Dinky, coma here. I fixa you! --- Stubby was terrified

5. I always tell Killian I'm watching him... so he says: No, Ia watching me! --- but he's pointing to me... so funny

6. Here's something he did.. not said- At my mom's on Christmas eve, he got his kitchen, and it had a wooden spoon that hangs from a string. So a few days later, my mom found the spoon hanging from her tree! He hung it like an ornament.. Oh my boy.

7. Killian loves to dress up like a pirate now, and he says: Didi a MAD pirate... he's always mad when he's a pirate

8. His new thing is: OOOh, looka dis! He was investigating things in my closet (without my knowledge), and brings out a little present that he found saying... Oooh looka dis mama!

9. He's loving jigsaw puzzles lately, and he understands how to do them. So he says: hmm... were woody's eyes? Oh, dere it is. Where buzz feet? oh, dere it is... etc. et.-- he likes to talk himself through it :)

10. Every time he's behind a counter, he says to me: mama, what you eating? (he wants me to order food) So I order,, let's say an apple and he says. mm hm, apple, sure. Then he finds me food. For some reason, it's always his wooden eggs that he hands me or cooks me.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Kitchen

Ok... So I promised a post about the kitchen my mom and I made... so here it is. Unfortunately, my mom has the before pictures, but I'll try to give you a visual picture.
It all started with a pink, white and purple kitchen and microwave that I bought off of craigslist. And we added a horrible yellow kitchen cabinet that I bought at St. Vinnies. With a little bit of shopping at Menards, some power tools, a little creativity and ALOT of hard labor... This is the finished product:

 How did we do it? Let's find out .... First we took all the hardware off. There was not burners (they were painted on).... but we did take the sink and faucet and knobs off along with the back splash. We bough silver spray paint and sprayed the top of the counter. Once it was dry... we sprayed it with this "stone" spray paint to the counter looks like granite. We sprayed the sink (it was purple) and the faucet (also purple), repainted the knobs (pink) and added burners... these are wooden coasters turned upside down, painted. Then we took a thin towel dowel, painted it black and sawed it into small pieces which we glued on. The kitchen was missing one burner knob and it didn't have a knob to the oven... in additon, the knobs were under the sink! So... we filled in the knob holes, put one knob (which we repainted black since it was purple) under the sink. We then made knobs from flat wood discs I found at hobby lobby and a wooden stake (also from hobby lobby) that we cut up to make a handle and glued onto the knobs. Drilled holes for the burner knobs.. and there you go. The cabinet under the burners has one shelf.. but no door. So I found a curtain valance at st. vinnies, cut it smaller, seamed it, and we put a towel dowel inside the cabinet so it has a nice curtain.

The oven proved to be a bit of a challenge. For some reason, the door opened sideways (the handle was on the left side with the hinges on the right). So we had to move the hinges to the bottom, which involved cutting small rectangles (my mom's all about the power tools). We added a new handle (again, the old one was pink)... spray painted the door (which was purple) and the inside of the oven. OH, and it was missing a piece of glass.. so my mom cut a piece of plexiglass and glued it right in.


The microwave was.. you guessed it.. pink and purple. We painted it, put a piece of plexiglass in it... new handle on it... and I had to make new pictures for the buttons on the microwave.
 Lastly... the Fridge. This was really a creative project as it started off as a yellow kitchen cabinet. We sprayed it silver, and my mom added some height to it with some scrap wood. We added a handle... and my mom came up with the idea of putting sticky magnet sheets on it so he could stick magnets to the fridge like a real fridge.
 The inside was even more work. My mom made a cute "egg" holder for the inside of the door from a shelf I found at goodwill and a drill. She moved the shelf up to the top so it's a freezer and cut plexiglass shelves for the fridge part. More paint on the inside and it was finished.
The cost overall was about 130$.... but that included half the food in the fridge (all wooden.. normally very expensive but it came with the kitchen/microwave set) and a wooden mixer and bowl (see under the microwave). Killian loves it, and it was made with love (and a little frustration) from his mama and his gammie. And it gave my mom and I some wonderful memories together :)

So there it is... his kitchen. :)

And one final update... our other big furniture piece from xmas... his toy shelf. This my dad made with love all by himself:
3.5 feet tall.... 4 feet wide... 12 rectangles for all his toys. We love it! I put some hooks on each side for Killian's dress up clothes and my dad got him some cute bins (see the lion and elephant?) It's made reorganizing his room so much nicer. :)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Winter Solstice, Christmas and Potty

WOW this post is going to be LONG... So first up: Winter Solstice. The winter solstice was on Dec. 21st.  Which also happens to be Killian's half bday :) ( ** Here's a fun fact, the Summer solstice aka the first day of summer is on Killian's birthday :) **) Killian's a bit young to understand the meaning of the shortest day of the year... but to me, it's a sign of hope. Even though winter drags ONNN and on, I know that the days are getting longer and longer. So... to celebrate the longest night of the year, we went outside and built our first snowman. It's was very warm, which was nice when you have a 2 year old, though not so great for building snowmen. We got mine and Killian's "baby snowman" built, but they started melting as we looked at them:

On Wednesday, Killian had his 30 month check-up. He had gotten a cold that started Sunday and by Wednesday was nasty... so I asked the doctor to take a look at his ears before the holiday season. Good thing she did... double ear infection! However, after Wednesday night, he had enough of the antibiotics in his system that he felt much better (everything else in his check-up was good... gained 2 lbs (FINALLY) in the last 6 months... he's now up to 26.4 lb... wow. And 3 feet tall standing). Anyways, I decided Thursday that we would start "real" potty training. Up until now, we've just made peeing on the potty a really great thing, but didn't make a big deal about ONLY peeing on the potty. However, peeing on the potty hasn't happened in the last month, and I would really like to get him at least USED to peeing on the potty again before I go back to school.

SO... we went out Thursday and I allowed him to pick out a potty. He debated over 3 potties and eventually chose a CARS potty. I made him a "potty basket" full of books, M & Ms, pull-ups and one pair of undies:
He gets one M & M when he sits... 2 when he pees. I made him sit every 30 min- 1 hr. Sometimes he's not happy about it... but once he gets into a routine of doing it... he'll be fine. I also let him chose a color food coloring dye to put into the potty. He LOVES it... so the first time he peed on Thursday... his pee was blue:
(this was before we got the cars potty.. so it's in his old potty chair)
He peed again on friday after nap and at my mom's house (I put the old potty chair in the trunk so we have a potty where ever we go). I was SO proud of him.

He attached to a chocolate penguin that was in his Christmas stocking and has decided he likes it as a prize for peeing:
Thursday was our Christmas Eve, because Killian spent Christmas eve with me, and Christmas day with his dad. On Christmas Eve, I let him chose whatever present he wanted from beneath the tree... he looked for the biggest one of course:
 It was a playdough set... He played with it all morning!!
Xmas eve... we pretended it was xmas day:
All his gifts... he was very excited when he found out that he got to open ALL of them
 He loves his "naughty geen nintch" and max
All his presents from mama and Aunt Jen and Uncle Ash
After presents we headed to my dads:
 He got a Thomas lego set that he loves, some trucks and a BIG toy shelf that my dad built (photos to come)
My dad got him some cute buns to go in the toy shelf. My dad's cat jumped into one of the bins... so of course Killian had to follow suit.

After a good nap... we headed to my moms with my sister and my grandma. We had a nice Xmas eve dinner.. and then MORE presents:
 Unwrapping the kitchen my mom and I made him!
 (I'll be posting before and after photos later this week... along with photos of the kitchen in our house)
 Aunt Mary got him a pull-along froggy... he's wanted one for a year and LOVES it
Helping GiGi open her gifts... though she didn't know he was helping her!

We had a wonderful Xmas together... and Killian went off to his dad's on Xmas morning to open even more gifts. Hopefully all the new toys will keep him preoccupied until his birthday  :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Last week of School + Weekend

This past week was my last week of school :) YES. We are very excited.... Here's what we did this last week:
 Killian got a tool belt for Xmas... along with a tool box, ornament, and various other goodies :)
 We went to Hobby Lobby this week and got Glow-in-the-dark stars for his ceiling.. which he LOVES and he also got a dinosaur that he stuffed at home.
 We hung up the dinosaur pegs I made and put up his dress-up hats.. though Killian decided he didn't like the cowboy hat up and put another fireman hat up.
 He tried on the police man helmet and the coat I made him.
 On wednesday night we went to Celebration of Lights with my mom, sister and Josh... but of course Killian played "airplane" with Josh first.
He loved the celebration of lights.. but got upset when we stopped to see the reindeer... he wanted to stay for longer than 5 min... in the COLD.

We went to Monkey Joes and built a gingerbread train:
Sunday night we are making a dinner for friends and exchanging xmas gifts :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow Days

This weekend, with the big blizzard, we were stuck in our house for both days. Well.. we had lots fo fun:
We played with playdough, made xmas cookies, and played outside on Saturday
 On Sunday, we made a "inside snow fort".. of course he picked toy story 3 to watch
 We ventured outside in the afternoon... he was excited
 We sprayed the snow blue

 And he tried making snow angel.... but he wouldn't put his head in the snow... here's him showing me the angel
 Then.. Sledding. He likes being pulled around, but he was adventurous enough to go down some hills :)
 Then he made snowballs. He said, need to make snowballs, then make snowman, then put on buttons nose. Unfortunately, it wasn't packing snow, so he only got the snow that was already made into snowballs. We had a nice snowball fight.
 Then he made a snowman our of marshmellows.. he said that it needed a button nose.
We had LOTS of fun together stuck inside, though he was getting restless towards the end of Monday.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Card + Updats

Here's our Christmas card!!! Because of the post I did for Shutterfly... I only paid 8.98 for 50 cards!! I'm very excited :)
So what have we been up to?  Well when Killian woke up to the first snow last week... we was so excited! He said, "Killian snow pants, snow boots.. Killian make snowman!" So here's bean waking in the snow:

 We went to Building For Kids with Amanda and the girls:

 We jumped in puddles:
 And rode Killian's bike:
 This last week, it was our week to compost at the community garden. We composted 850 lbs!!! Killian liked helping out on the warmer days:
Shoveling the leafs into the wheelbarrow:

 We decorated the Christmas tree... he picked out a Woody ornament and was exicted to hang it :
He decorated Christmas Cookies
 OF COURSE he chose yellow :)
 He's such a strange child... he likes to eat pickles from a jar... on the kitchen floor
We took Christmas card photos today :) <3 <3
We've been spending alot of time at home. Today I asked him if he wanted to go to Monkey Joes... and he said "Nope, stay home and play" :) We watched how the grinch stole Christmas last night... and Killian wasn't scared- he says, "dat a naughty green ninch" :)

We started an advent calendar... well 2 advent caldendars. One of them is a "mismas chocolate advent calendar". The other is a "mismas present caledar". Killian's so excited to get his chocolate and present every day. He's gotten: a small bag of animals he picked out over the summer from the New Zoo, Melissa and Doug Cookies, a zoo book, a small wooden train, and a puzzle of "growing up"... it's all different people in different professions. Killian loved looking at all these people.

I can't wait for the semester to be over.. 2 more weeks. And when it is over, I'm hoping we have a huge snow. Killian can't wait to make a snowman :) Whenever he sees snowmen now, he says they need a button nose (because he loves frosty the snowman).