Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Memorial Day-A Killian & Momma day

Wow, can you tell that school is tapering off for me? I'm getting plenty of posting done :)
So.. after I did all my projects this past weekend, I spend memorial day doing NOTHING but enjoying my son :)
First we went to a memorial day parade. Killian so enjoyed all the marching bands. He told me that he ws going to both play the drums in a marching band and play hockey when he gets big. PHEW he'll be a busy teenager. :)
 Waiting on mama's lap for the parade to start...
Clapping for the veterans

After the parade, we got the dogs and headed to the lake. We spent at least 4 hours in the sun/water... I got sun burned, but Killian was fine. (for some reason I load him up with california baby sun screen but forget to put any on myself?)

We had ALOT of fun.... until we got home and I had a POUNDING migraine for 5 hours before I could fall asleep (or I should say until I could get Killian to fall asleep). I can't wait for this summer to begin... we'll be up at the lake alot more now that all I need to bring along for Killian is his blanket and swimsuit :) I love having a potty trained child.

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