Saturday, June 12, 2010

Eventful week/weekend

As promised... here are just a few photos from last weekend at the zoo... here's how killian likes to ride his stroller now. Hint- this is not safe. He doesn't warn me when he's jumping off, and gets run over.

Here he's looking at the elk. He loved the big elk, watching them run around. He called them "neighs", but it was close enough. He then noticed ducks in the pond with the elk, and got concerned for their life when the elk almost trampled them.
Here's the big tortoise that was roaming around freely. Killian really liked him, and followed along ripping out grass trying to feed him.

So what did we do this week? I had a week-long class that was every day from 8-2/230. So that was pretty rough on us both. However, we did manage to squeeze in strawberry picking. We made it 20 min. The first 10 min. Killian ate every other strawberry I picked, until I started making him pick the ones he was eating. Then, for 5 min, he ran up and down the aisle chasing birds. The last 5 min. was continuous misbehavior, such as stamping on the strawberries, throwing straw onto the plants and our buckets, etc. That's when I knew he'd had enough. I'm hoping to go again this week. I've only frozen 1.5 gallons. I'm hoping to get at least 3 gallons frozen. Then I want to juice a gallon and make 6 cups or more of strawberry jam. And of course, we've been eating them up.

We also went to a friend's house for dinner one night last week, and last night we went to another friend's house to meet her new baby boy. Killian was much more interested in playing with his friend and all her toys than to look at the baby, but he made a few comments. He was very sweet with him, and covered up his toes if they got out of the blanket :)

Today... oh boy, today was an adventure. This morning started off with me dropping my phone into the toilet. Yes. It was lovely. We then headed over to the mom and pop place where we were supposed to meet a friend, who texted me hoping for me to help her find out where to park (construction and street ball has blocked off the road), and of course, I didn't get it. So she went home, and Killian and I only stayed for an hour because there was a group of women who was monopolizing all the space/toys. We then headed up to US Cellular to get a loaner phone while my new phone gets shipped to me.

Killian's been going through a phase where he doesn't want to go to bed for nap or at night. It's a daily struggle, and some days are better than others. Today... was a bad day. NO nap today. We fought for an hour and a half, me continuously putting him in bed, him continuously getting back out. Finally, I just said forget it, and we got in the car to leave. I bought Killian tickets to spend a day with Thomas the Train in Greenbay, and our train ride was at 230. We were supposed to get there an hour early, so we left our house around 1. Killian had a blast!!

Of course we hit the gift shop. Every single thing Killian found and carried around with him. Finally we settled on a fun bath toy and a placemat. Here he is with the bath toy in line for the check out.

Here's Thomas on one of his trips around the grounds.
We rode on the top deck of the double decker car. Killian really enjoyed it.
The man sitting across from us took a picture for me. Of course bean wouldn't smile the entire time we were there.. because it's a new situation.. but I still know he enjoyed it.
Then we explored (what felt like) a million old train cars. He was always in front of me, but this was the first time he asked me to hold his hand.
Even the ones you couldn't go on Killian like to look at. He ran up and down the aisles, stopping occasionally to assure me that they were all "choo choos".

Tomorrow will be low key- perhaps a bike ride to the park in the morning, and some light shopping in the afternoon. Groceries are sorely needed in this house. I also need to get ready for Killian's two birthday parties. One on Saturday, and one on Monday- his actual birthday.  Our next week is pretty crazy. I start a new class (my last until sept), Killian starts his new day care ( OH, yes. Friday was his last day at Stepping Stones. :( We are sad to go). And, I have mediation with his dad on Monday. Not fun. I also have court on Friday with his dad, and Wednesday Killian's going to try to take a nap at his dad's house. Lots going on. I'll post some birthday photos next weekend.

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