Sunday- Killian spent the day with his dad and step-mom while I headed over to the lake for a family reunion. It was wonderful to see everyone.. even if it was a little too loud for me.
Monday: Killian and I spent the morning hanging out, and in the afternoon, he spent a couple hours with his Grandma and Aunt Mary while I had mediation ( not fun).
Tuesday: We went to Terri Andre's state park with my mom's side of the family. Killian LOVED it, even if he did only sleep a half hour on the way there:
Building a trench with my uncle
Then my mom got involved..
getting some water for the trench
Grandma and Killian playing in the sand
Killian was buried alive!!!
He had so much fun!
Wednesday: After nap we went to the Rocket Park in Neenah... and Killian had alot of fun playing with all the big kid playground equipment.. He really liked the "truck":
Then we went to the Neenah pool with my sister and my dad... Killian LOVED that he got to go down the slide 5 times... and swim with three people. :)
Thursday: We played outside alot... we went to the Greenville zoo in the morning, and Killian had SO much fun watching the animals and monkeys run around, and he got to pet a pig, bunny, sheep, cow, horse, deer, rabbits and more!! After a (no nap), we picked up a bike seat for the bike... and after dinner, we biked to the park. Killian loved to play at the park with his mommy for a half hour and be the only one there. He even got to do many (dangerous) things that I normally don't allow when there are other children there.
Friday: We spent the morning playing with Amanda, Taylor, Brenna and baby Emmitt.. we had a picnic outside and Killian loved sitting at the toddler table with the girls. :) In the afternoon, we went to monkey joes, and then spent time at home.
Today Killian's at his dad's again... and spending the night for the first time. I spent the day getting his big boy bed together. Here are the updates to his dinosaur room:
Big boy bed with his toddler quilt sewn onto the twin quilt
View from the side
End table... I need to finish putting the chalkboard around
Dinosaurs :) Now the dresser is in the closet though
His new curtains... it says Killian's Playland. :)
To do still: Sew his pillow, sew his lamp shade, paint dinosaur puzzle on canvas, paint a few extra dino canvases, watercolor a huge dinosaur painting, paint his toy shelf... and those are just the things for his room!!
On another note, I knit him a bumble bee hat for halloween (he's going to be a bumble bee for halloween):
I'm also in the middle of knitting him a cute pull-over sweater.. but it'll take a while, and I'll be lucky if it's done by Christmas!
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