Saturday, February 5, 2011

It was a blizzard here....

Phew, we've had a hard week here. First week back to school for me, which means less, TOO MUCH LESS time with me for Killian. As such, I'm EXHAUSTED and missing my boy, and he's throwing tantrum after tantrum over everything. Sigh, I hate adjustment periods. However... Wisconsin gave us a small ray of sunlight (metaphorically) in the form of a blizzard on Wednesday. (You might have heard of it.... it was kind of a big deal :) ). Anyways, that meant NO class for me and no class Thursday, which meant that I spend 2.5 days straight with my little love. Which is wonderful since he's at his dad's today, I get him for 3 hours tom. before he goes back to his dad's for 5 hours while I'm in class, and then comes home to me again. It's going to be a hard weekend.

Anyways... What did we do on our snow day? I'm glad you asked!

 We played dress-up... lots and lots of dress-up. This particular photo is of Train dress-up. I believe Killian was ordering me back in my seat behind "big bunny" so he could blow the train whistle and get us to the zoo.
 OK, this photo wasn't taken in the blizzard... it's from last week. But I have to show how desperate we Wisconsin residents get around Feb. time.
 OH yes, this photo is from last week too... of Killian at monkey joes with his friend C. He loves holding hands with all his friends. :)
 OK, this was blizzard day. Someone screamed at me that he wasn't napping.... see a stubborn streak going here?
 We cleaned out house. Killian's really into helping me clean, so I gave him a rag and a squirt bottle of water. Man that child cleaned EVERYTHING.
 Snuggling his Mama puppy and her 2 baby puppies in his rocking chair.

 Again... not this week (you can tell from the lack of snow), but last friday Killian rode his bike for about 20 min. before the snow came in.

We played at my moms... where he enjoyed riding my mom.

So some extra photos:
 Drawing train tracks ALLL over the bath tub
 Photos of the sweater I finished knitting him... the back.
 The front. Notice the hood is up and his hands are in the pockets. He loves it and it actually fits pretty well. I'm relieved after I spent 40 hrs + on it.

The art project he did at class... a hippo treat box. So cute.

And to see how far Killian's come.. I decided once a month to put up photos of Killian in all the past years + this year... so:

Feb. 2009: - In our new home, Killian's exploring his reflection in the mirror and rolling around (Not yet crawling)
 Feb 2010: My sister and her family came to visit. Killian's taking a bath with his cousin who's 4 months older than he is. 20 months and saying a few words.
 Feb. 2011: Trying on the sweater I made him, 32 months and Sassy! Talking full sentences, and has all large motor skills + almost all fine motor skills needed for preschool!
So much change from 8 months to 32 months!

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