Alright, it's been about a month since I've posted. My biggest excuse is that my semester got CRAZY. But now I'm finished with the semester, just in time to start a new class. (only three weeks this time :) ). So it's definitely time to catch up... and what a better way to do it than bunches and bunches of photos?

Killian had at least 4 easter egg hunts... this one was at my mom's and it was number 4. Do you spot his basket?
He loves hiding under this ottoman like a cat.. not sure why.
At the end of April, I received a few scholarships towards my last semester at UW-O, YAY! Here my mom and dad and I are all together for the award ceremony.
Along with 4 (or more) egg hunts, we painted eggs at least 5/6 times. Here we painted with my mom's ex-neighbors and family friends.
Easter morning after egg hunt at my moms.. Killian said, "Cheese" for the photo, then looked into his basket and said, "I love chocolate". HAHA
These photos are very much out of order.... but here he is on Mother's Day "fixing" the barn.
He also tried lifting a section of hay.
He's learning to ride his pony by himself. This is an action shot of him swinging his leg over.
This is a great action shot of him saying "HO" and pulling back on the reins.
He really loves his Little Bear.
On Mother's Day I decided I needed some great photos of us... so we goofed around with photobooth.
A very nice picture of our family :)
I got Killian a scooter. He tries VERY hard to use it :)
First egg coloring experience at home... he's very concentrated.
Our finished eggs. He cracked 3+... but he got better the more he painted.
The day before Easter he got to do an egg hunt at the park. My dad came along..
Hunting for the 14 eggs he could pick up off the grass :)
That Saturday we also went to an Easter party... he painted eggs there as well.
AND, that same Saturday (PHEW we were busy Easter weekend), we painted eggs and had an egg hunt at my dads.
He loved the scissor egg-catcher-things. One in each hand.
Playing trucks/cars with Gampa after egg hunt.
My sis had a leash around him like a dog... don't worry, he liked it.
Easter morning he had an egg hunt at home... finding his basket.
His goodies from his basket. Yes, he has pirate PJS on :)
Finding his first egg.
And. since these photos are all out of order, here is back at my moms.
Killian with his Gigi and Great Aunt Darcee Easter morning.
Gammie got Killian trucks for Easter... they were a big hit
And then Killian went out side to dig in Gammie's garden. He was SO filthy by noon.
So.... we've also been swimming as usual. Here's killian in his swimming gear. Yes.. adorable.
My mom came along and got some photos of us both swimming.
Killian modeling for my mom
Mother's day we went to green bay to see my gma (Gigi). On the way home, the tired boy fell asleep mid-turn-of-page.
Here he is sitting on Great Aunt Darcee's Walker.
So... that's it for photos. We've been enjoying the weather and biking, playing at the park, and working in the garden. Killian's a garden fiend! I can't get him away from there. We spent 2.5 hours at the garden on Thursday (it was 82 degrees here!), and he got sunburned because he didn't want to leave.
I'm definitely going to get back to posting at least once a week... and posting some projects that I'm finally going to get around to doing :) hopefully life will calm down until September now. We need some calmer weeks.
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