I took Killian to the Milwaukee Zoo last weekend... on a 100 degree day! It was TONS of fun.. but also hot.

We brought the wagon... I bought it a year ago, and never could really use it because it wouldn't fit in the trunk. But with my new prius... it fits :)
Killian took pictures with my camera :) Good thing it's so cheap that if he broke it, I'd have a good excuse to buy one that takes decent photos.
He loved the apes and monkeys.. though he kept telling me that they were all monkeys. He wouldn't accept that some didn't have tails and were classified as apes.
Watching orangutans.. it was a mother and baby snugglying. SOOO cute.
He was also convinced that he could read the map and tell us where to go.
My son is CRAZY about snakes, lizards, reptiles (YUCK). SO he loved the reptile and amphibian room. And in there were 2 alligators (or at-a-ga-tas) as he calls them. And alligators are the arch enemy of pirates. So here he was telling the alligators to "come get me. I'm a piate."
YUCK>>> he loves snakes so much
We also saw a seal and sea lion show. I now know the difference, and we've since read many books where they feature a sea lion and call him a seal. Interesting that people don't check their facts huh? Anyways... here he is pretending to be the sea lion. He's still doing this in the bath tub.. telling me to be his trainer. It gets very wet/messy.
In the butterfly room.. the Milwaukee Zoo's special exhibit right now. A butterfly landed on my head. Bean was very jealous, and tried desperately to "call" the butterflies to him. Sadly, none landed on him.
He loved the farm section. He keeps telling me that he wants to "pull milk out of a cow's nipple and drink it".
This was our life saver. They had mist sprayers all over, and Killian would run in, sit there until his clothing was drenched, and then he'd dry off in 20 min.
Yes.. he got to ride a camel. Which, he now informs me is his favorite animal. (he's so into the word "favorite" right now. He keeps asking me what my favorite song is, my favorite color, etc.)
He told me it was no big deal to ride a camel cuz it was just like riding his pony, Little Bear.
He also loved the "big cats". Here's the cheetah. If anyone hasn't seen the new DisneyNature movie African Cats.. you NEED to. Killian asked me if the Cheetah's baby was eaten by the hyena like in the movie. I was pleased to tell him that at the zoo, nothing got eaten unless the zookeeper wants it to be eaten.
Before we left, we had to see "killian's hippos". Though he told me I was very silly for calling them hippopotamuses. He says they're only called hippos. I have such an argumentative child. Anyways, he's (and these are his words) "just sticking mine head through this little hole so I can see mine hippos".
After FIVE hours of pulling/walking around, I was exhausted. So he took a turn pulling the wagon.
I got VERY sick from the heat and the walking that night, but we had so much fun. I'm thinking that we'll have to make the Milwaukee Zoo a yearly trip. We're hoping the hit up the Milwaukee Museum in August. I loved going there with my grandparents when I was a kid, and I know Killian will find it fascinating.
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