Story time... Killian found his friend Chase as story time, and they promptly sat down next to each other.
And then held hands :)
This was 2 year old story time... We tried 3 year old story time last week and he LOVED it. Sadly he won't be at my house for this week's 3 year old story time (which is the last story time of the summer). But it did remind him of school, and he's been talking about going back to 3 year old school with "all my 3 year old friends".
Silly string! I bought this on a whim and he loved it.. though he was confused as to what it was.
The jeep got "silly stringed" and really needs to be hosed off.
Killian was in a children's parade. he LOVED having people look at him and he really loved decorating his bike/helmet. Here he's wrapping streamers around his bike "all by mine self"
His helmet. Yes.. I let him decorate with only my help of ripping the tape off the dispenser. I think it's more fun that way.
I was surprised when I asked him what he wanted to dress up as and he said knight. I was expecting pirate. But he did the knight costume. And I was happy to have tons of people ask me where I got his costume :) I got to say " I made it "
Riding his bike in the parade. He actually rode it the whole way (both ways).
They gave out balloons along the way.. so we stopped and got a sword. Little girls dressed as princesses kept saying to Killian "You are a knight in shining armor!" Killian saw a boy dressed as a dragon and he said "mama, do dragons eat knights?" I told him yes and he said "I'm gonna fight that dragon" Luckily he didn't really :)
At the end of the parade they had a little party in the park. We stayed long enough to get a tattoo and a freezy.. Killian's first ever.
Killian got a playhouse. He's been asking me for about a month for a playhouse. And since we're broke this summer, I kept telling him no, but keeping my eye out for a cheap one. Well.. this one was at Shopko for 47.00 on clearance! AND we had a 10 dollars off coupon so we got it for 37.00. I couldn't pass it up. I set it up at night, and he woke up to it in the living room.
I put it on the porch.. and Killian promptly got his broom and cleaned the floor. He loves that it has a mailbox and door bell. I put some mail in the mailbox, and he asked me if the mailman delivered it there :)
We've had countless rainy days, and what's better to do on rainy days than to dress up? Remember my story about the alligator vs. Pirate? Well I FINALLY got some pictures of him all decked out :)
And this is the alligator and pirate
This weekend, we went up to the lake for some swimming fun. Killian and Stella spent literally 2 hours chasing each other in the water, finding and chasing frogs together, discovering raspberries in the woods, and digging in the sand (Stella's favorite past time). It made me SOO happy to see my boy and his dog playing together. It made me realize that he doesn't need a sibling.. a dog works just as well. Anyways, we stopped by my grandparent's cabin (only a 10 min. drive from ours) to see my dad's side of the family.. they're up every weekend so I didn't bother to call ahead. WELL, we got there to find that NO one was there! UGH. However, they have an adorable playhouse in the woods that Killian found and played with.
After playing, we decided that we might as well swim at their house as well. Their water is deeper than ours is, so Killian had fun jumping off the dock and swimming "all by mineself"
In the water, we found a hug water beetle. YUCK! But I let Killian pick it up and dissect it. He was very interested.. as was Stella. She was desperately trying to eat it. Disgusting dog.
As if two cabins wasn't enough.. we headed home to go to a party at my mom's friend's house. She had 2 pools set up and a huge water slide. Killian enjoyed the small pool because no big kids bothered him in it.
But he also liked the big water slide too!
AND he liked the giant sand box. Diggers + sand = heaven
My mom recently bought 9 hens from the women we were both buying our local eggs from. Well one hen became broody, so she got some fertilized eggs from a friend... and they hatched yesterday/today. Killian LOVED holding them.
And then he got nervous and dropped it.. it was ok. And the mama didn't peck Killian (much to my surprise and pleasure)
Then he collected "lots and lots" (7) eggs for the day. He keeps telling me that we need to buy a BIG house so we can have chickens and turkeys and he can collect the eggs. I keep reminding him that we will eat both the chickens and the turkeys. He seems ok with the idea.. but we'll see when the time comes.
Killian's done a few other fun summer time activities but without me. He went to EAA with his dad and Messy Fest at the park. I wish I could have gone... but maybe next year. I'm so sad that the summer is almost over. However, our garden is doing well. Killian helped pull up LOTS of beets and carrots. We have tons of beans, more swiss chard than I know what to do with, tomatoes, onions and celery. The broccoli didn't do very well. I'm praying my potatoes are doing well ( the green part is.. I just don't know about the potatoes underneath).
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