Helping mommy bake rhubarb :)
He loves his sensory box.. he has packing peanuts in it now... and he was so good at picking them off the floor anytime a little bit spilled (that's what he's doing in this photo).. until I turned my back of course. then this happened:
He also got a brand new ball pit:
He's very spoiled.. I know :)
He finally learned how to say "cheese" for a photo :)
And then the ball pit became a bed (and we took it to our cabin for memorial day weekend.. and it worked great.. until one of the sides deflated and he rolled out of it.
This is the quilt I sewed for Killian. It turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself. :)
Here is his room with new wall stickers and chalkboard on the bottom. There's still ALOT to do.. but I'll keep current photos on here.
This is the cushion I made for his rocking chair, to match his bed.
And I got him some ABC wall art.. they're being held up by tape because I was still deciding on where to put them.
His room is SLOWLY coming together, but it's going to be ADORABLE when it's finished :) And yes.. I forgot my camera this weekend, so I didn't get ANY photos of Killian at our cabin, but my mom took a few, so I'll get them up when she gets me copies.
So what's been new with us? Well we've definitely been enjoying the beautiful weather! We've biked to the park a few times, and to Killian's daycare on Friday. We spent almost every second outside this weekend. Killian's a beautiful tan while I'm nicely burnt. Apparently when I was applying sunscreen to him every 1/2 hour, I forgot to do it to myself. But Killian LOVED the water, sand, boat, and running around with the dogs. He also enjoyed all the attention from all my extended family, though he was joined at my hip like always. His favorite thing to say was, "mama? Mama :)" When he found me. It was very sweet :)
The dogs loved running around outside, and stella ventured into the water, though she didn't like swimming. Stubby had learned 2 years ago that he sinks like a rock, so he doesn't even try wading into the water anymore.
Today we got home around 1, and Killian slept until 230. We hung around our house, because Killian was just so happy to be home. Then ran to walmart and Kohls (where Killian got 2 more free trains from a 10$ gift card they sent me in the mail), and then to my dad's for dinner and planting watermelon. Killian liked helping smash up the dirt clumps with a screwdriver, and then he walked around the backyard with his Thomas the Train umbrella. This I have to take a photo of, because it's just too funny how attached he is to it. At Walmart, Killian picked out this (hideous in my opinion) thomas the train shirt and shorts. I normally wouldn't have bought him it, except that it was a. 5$, and b. perfect for wearing in 2 weekends when we go see/ride on Thomas in Green Bay. He tried to put it on right there in the store. Oh how I love my obsessive boy.
Alright, I think I'm caught up for a while. Hopefully I'll post again this weekend with some new photos and funny stories. :)