Thursday, September 30, 2010

Houses and updates

Every day now Killian's vocabulary is growing (FINALLY)... and he speaks more and more, giving detailed sentences and dictating everything he does. His newest word that he's obsessed with is: 'houses" In killian's mind, anything that has a roof and a resemblance to walls is a house, and EVERYTHING needs it's own house. All his toys need to be in their houses... everyone he knows needs to have a house, and even in the playground, when he goes under the overhang, he says it's a house. Last night, he was cracking me up while putting money into his piggy banks. He has two banks: his piggy bank for savings, and his train bank for spending. He's supposed to put equal (or more in the savings) all the time. Last night, with his pile of coins, he was saying, 'one for the piggy, one for the train. one for the piggy, one for the train.' Once and a while it was: 'two for the piggy, two for the train." After the coins were gone, he said, "no more, back in houses". He then picked up the piggy bank, looked back at me and said, "mama stay back", and put the piggy back on top of the toy shelf (in it's spot) saying, 'back in house'. Then he put his train on the bottom shelf of his night stand and said 'train in house'. OH he makes me laugh. It used to be hard to get him name his banks... now he's telling me every little thing he does.

He's so particular about his houses, that when I found this adorable truck shelf at a thrift store for eight dollars:
I thought it'd be perfect for (1/3rd) of his trucks to sit on. So, I put his cars in there. NOPE he did not like this new house... he said, "not trucks house" and kept putting the trucks back in the big basket where they had been. It's still a battle right now, because he just doesn't like the new truck shelf. Personally, I think it's adorable, but I guess it's not a suitable house for his beloved trucks.

A funny story about going thrift store shopping with Killian: When we get to the toy section, EVERYTHING is his and he's SO excited about it all. Yesterday I kept saying, come on bean, we're done. And he said frantically (while touching each toy), "but mama, a truck! a airplane! a helicopter! a school bus! mama!!! a school bus!!!" I told him he didn't need ANY more trucks or planes or ANYTHING.... and though he argued, I stuck with my decision. Our house is like a toy store exploded... he has enough toys.

So what have we been up to lately?? UGH, school school school. ;( Our days are packed with school, work, and just relaxing at home. We're enjoying the weather, playing outside as often as we can. Killian's really enjoying soccer practice (the two times he's gone... this saturday will be the 3rd time):
He loves school and his teacher Ms. Jackie. He tells me all the time that he's going to play with Ms. Jackie at her house. I've tried telling him that Ms. Jackie doesn't live at the daycare.. but he's positive that she does.
On another note... Killian and I read our 1000th book last week! It took us 11 months to read 1000, and he finally did it :) He got his sticker on the wall of the library, and a free book. :) It's so crazy to think about when we started, Killian would ONLY read touchy-feely books, and they had to be the right kind. Now he's reading LONG books, and even reading them back to me when we're done. He knows almost all of his letters now, can sing ABCs, and puts together abc train puzzles by himself!
We have a fun weekend planned... soccer practice saturday morning, and then the library has a BIG READ thing going on... an hour of story time, songs, art projects and finger play. :) Then Sunday he's off to his dad's and I have SO much homework to do it's not even funny. We're going to try Monday night story time at the Menasha library... because he LOVES 2 year old story time at the Neenah library, but it's during a class that I have... so he never gets to go ;(
WOW... lots of updates.. but I want to make sure I write down all my funny stories of this crazy boy so I can look back on it when he's 18 and remember. :)

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