Friday, November 12, 2010

It's been a year...

Wow! I can't believe it's been a year since I started this blog! I have a binder FULL from the print-outs of the past year for Killian and I to read through when we're much older. :) I guess it's time to start ANOTHER binder too huh?

So what have we been up to since Halloween? Killian's been back and forth between my house and dad's house. We went to Funset for a playdate. Killian LOVED climbing through all the tubes... me- not so much. We've been relaxing alot at home as well. Last Sunday, Killian wore underwear all day! The morning he didn't have an accident- though he didn't pee on the potty either. Then for nap I put a pull-up on. When he woke up, he hadn't gone in the pull-up, so I immediately sat him on the potty. YES! He peed! Lots of praise and a toy later, he wet his pants (it was the entire day's worth of pee). THEN, about an hour later, poop in the underwear. Finally, around 5 pm, another pee accident and it was into the bath and a diaper for bedtime. I'm still thinking he won't be potty trained until 3ish. He knows what he's supposed to do, but I think he feels so uncomfortable on the potty, he won't allow himself to relax enough to go.

I've been crazy busy with school... but only 5 more weeks! And only 1 1/2 more weeks of preschool, and then I get my tuesday and thursday morning back :)

Killian and I made Turkey hand prints.. but the finger paint only made a green/blue.. so Killian kept calling them ghosts (he's still stuck on Halloween. Right around the time that he finally gets thanksgiving, we'll be talking about Christmas).

SPEAKING of christmas... I'm getting excited!!! You might remember that I give Killian a present advent calendar. So EVERY day of December he gets a small present. (YES, he's spoiled). Last year he started understanding a little after about half way through December. I have a feeling that this year he'll pick up on it quickly. :)

And on top of that, my mom and I purchased a used (PINK) wooden kitchen set. Killian got a small plastic kitchen last december from me, but he's gotten frustrated with how small it is. SO... over Thanksgiving break, my mom and I are going to do something like this:

I found blogs where these crafty women took old nightstands/entertainment centers and created kitchens. Well.. we're starting with a kitchen, but we're going to re-do it to make it boyish and add some neat things. :) We're also going to take a bookcase and turn it into a fridge. (DON'T WORRY, PICTURES WILL COME) :)

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