Well I decided that I'd start a blog because I haven't been keeping up with my handwritten journal to Killian. This way, my friends and family can keep up with our life as well. :)
So we've had a pretty easy going weekend. On Saturday, we went to the Mom and Pop place as usual, but we met Brandi and Keira there. Killian loves playing with Keira, and it was nice for me to catch up with Brandi. :) After his nap, we went to my dad's for trick or treating and carving pumpkins. Killian was insistent about walking to the four houses we went to. However, he kept trying to go in through the garages, and wouldn't listen when I explained that we had to go to the front door. :)
Today, we've gone grocery shopping and soon we're going to go to my mom's house. Killian and I haven't seen her for a week while she was in Seattle, and he misses her. :) I'm sure we'll end up in the barn with the pony at some point today as well. I'll try to post some pictures/videos of that.
I'm going to try keep up the postings as the time goes by. Love you all!
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