It's down to 3 weeks before the semester is over.. and that means massive amounts of homework piled on- not to mention still dealing with custody stuff. Mediation is scheduled for the day before the last day of the semester.. during a final exam- SO, we are going to have to reschedule that. Hopefully we can get it out of the way before June, but you never know with the court system. I'm trying to not think ahead of Mediation, because if we go to court, that will fill my summer and next semester with stress- since THAT is such a long process as well.
But onto more pleasant things:
This weekend we did alot of rummage sale shopping, and got a lot of great birthday gifts for peanut. He was especially excited about a few new puzzles and a toddler helmet for the bike trailer. I've really got to start biking him more places.. he really loves the trailer now. He's always asking me to take him in it :)
I'm thinking about clearing some space in the garage for the small sandbox that is currently at my mom's house. She got Killian a big swing set, and is nailing some boards around it, and will fill it with sand, for a HUGE sandbox. SO.. she gave me the suggestion of finding a corner in my garage for the small turtle sandbox, and Killian can play with it on rainy days (he is in LOVE with sandboxes). I'm also taking the smaller slide, but that I can pull out onto our driveway/grass whenever we're playing outside. This summer is going to be lots of fun, now that Killian is walking/running all the time. :)
He's is really starting to get his letter recognition as well. He's got M for Momma down pat, S for "woo woos" or Stubby and Stella, and K for Killian. I've tried a few new ones.. but he just likes to point out the three that he really knows. He sees "M momma" everywhere now.. and he thinks all w's are mommas as well. He is really my smart little munchkin. He had lots of fun playing outside at Gammy's today- and getting lots of attention inside from Aunt Mary, Gammy and Mary's Boyfriend Josh.
The last couple of nights have been rough, because Killian's been waking up in the middle of the night, and coming into my bed, then getting up at 515- for the day! And I'm the first to admit.. I'm not a pleasant person when I'm still tired. I have very little patience for anyone. I'm really hoping tonight isn't a repeat of the last few nights, because I have a busy, busy day ahead of me tom.
I'm going to try and get some photos up this week/weekend of Killian's new skills such as drinking from an open cup, playing with a marble tunnel set, and watching bugs grow from sponges. :)
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