It's the sweetest book about if kisses were colors we'd see all the colors of the rainbow, and if kisses were acorns you'd walk for miles of oaks.. all about the love of a mother (or father) for her/his child. It's simple, yet beautiful. Killian wanted to read it again today. :)
So, I thought I'd share it with all of you. :) In addition, I wanted to share an idea which (I can't take credit for), but I've done for my nephew who lives in Alaska. My family each bought him a book, and recorded ourselves reading it to him. Then we burned all the tracks onto a cd for him, and shipped it up there. My sister said that he absolutely loves listening to all of our voices. We're doing another CD for him for his birthday, and I'm going to make a cd for Killian. Such a simple thing to do.
Here's how to do it if you are an owned of a MAC.
1. Open Garage band
2. Record a podcast
3. Pick female or male voice (which ever you are) and press record.
4. When you are finished, press record again and save it.
5. If you save it to your desktop, open up itunes and drag the track into the library
Itunes will convert it to a track, then you can burn it onto a cd.
Pretty easy huh?
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