Jan. 2009:
Killian officially started sitting up on his own:
Feb. 2009:
Killian and I moved into our 'Taj Mahal' of an apartment. After paying my dues in the tiniest one bedroom apartment for 4 months of my pregnancy and 8 months of Killian's life (sharing a bedroom with him too)... we finally had separate rooms and room to run :)
March 2009:
Killian was beginning to learn how to stand up, though he still couldn't crawl.
April 2009:
Spring came a little early, so Killian and I loved taking walks on the beautiful trails by our home.
May 2009:
Finishing up my second semester of being back at school, Killian learned how to crawl (FINALLY). We enjoyed the wonderful weather, and Stubby probably lost about 10 lbs. :)
June 2009:
Killian and I took one of the best vacations ever to visit my sister and her family in Seattle. It was WONDERFUL to see her for over a week, and Killian enjoyed playing with his cousin. When we came home, we enjoyed our CSA (Oh how I miss you CSA and farmer's market). Killian celebrated his 1st birthday, and a week later, I celebrated my 21st birthday. Yes, it was a BUSY but wonderful month.

Cousins playing with Uncle Ash
Out for dinner on my birthday
July/August 2009:
Killian and I enjoyed a relaxing summer of farmer's market trips, walks, bike rides to his daycare, playing at the park, and me only working 2 days a week.
September 2009:
Killian moved into the one year old room at daycare, and I started school again. We still enjoyed walks on the mornings that I didn't have school.
October 2009:
Killian enjoyed riding on his pony, little bear, and was a froggy for Halloween. :)
Carving his first pumpkin

Killian and his pony, Little Bear
November 2009:
Thanksgiving and a nice long weekend. Continued to be busy with school and work, but Killian continued to learn new words and large motor skills.

Killian playing with his friend, Keira during the unseasonably nice weather we had in November.
December 2009:
The cold set in, and Killian played outside in the snow for his first time. He loved it, though you couldn't tell from the photos. :) We had an exciting Christmas since Killian realized what presents are.
Reading his books he received from "Gammy".
WOW, what a busy, wonderful year we've had.
Looking forward, I have alot of hope for 2010. I truly hope it doesn't go by as fast as 2009 did. I'd like to enjoy my little one before he turns 2! Wow. I have lots of resolutions this year:
1. Lose the rest of my baby weight by end of April.
2. To keep my house clean and organized (most of the time of course).
3. To be stringent about my budget.
4. To take more time out of the day for Killian.
5. To give back more to the community.
Can I do it? I believe so. All I need is to remind myself everyday of what I want out of life.
Hope all of you have a great, safe, and happy new years. Remember, we make our own happiness. :) Mine happens to be in the shape of a sassy 1.5 year old.
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